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How do I know if I have the BRAF V600E mutation?
BRAF test icon

Biomarker testing is a key step in finding out if your cancer is caused by a mutation like the BRAF V600E mutation. If your tumor tissue tests positive for the BRAF V600E mutation, your health care provider may prescribe a treatment specific for your cancer like TAFINLAR + MEKINIST.

How BRAF V600E mutation testing works

Who can request it: BRAF V600E genetic mutations can only be detected through a specific biomarker test ordered by your health care provider.
How to request it: Even if you’ve had testing done before, you’ll need to ask specifically for a comprehensive biomarker test for the BRAF V600E genetic mutations.
How the test is performed: BRAF V600E genetic mutations can be detected in tissue samples. Your health care provider will send a tissue sample to a lab for the test. If you’ve had a biopsy done before, ask your health care provider if your tissue is still available for BRAF V600E biomarker testing.

Ask your health care provider about comprehensive biomarker testing